Paper category: Original research paper
Corresponding author: Hamidreza Rasouli (
DOI: 10.1515/ohs-2017-0042
Received: February 11, 2017
Accepted: May 4, 2017
Full text: here
Citation (APA style):
Hemicypris vulgaris Okubo, 1990, Stenocypris bolieki Ferguson, 1962 and Bradleystrandesia parva (Hartmann, 1964) are reported from a tributary of the Gönen River (Balıkesir) in Turkey. Hemicypris vulgaris is reported for the first time from Turkey. The finding of Bradleystrandesia parva is especially important as its original description is brief and inadequate. This paper provides details of redetection of the three species and comments on their variability and possible cryptic speciation.
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