Parasitization of monkey goby, Neogobius fluviatilis (Pallas, 1814) (Actinopterygii: Gobiidae), at localities with different salinity levels

Yuriy Kvach, Markéta Ondračková, Teodora Trichkova, Oleksandra Drobiniak, Veniamin Zamorov, Pavel Jurajda

Map of the study area, with sampling localities marked by red arrows: 1) Gulf of Odessa, Black Sea, Ukraine; 2) Khadzibey Estuary, Ukraine; 3) Lake Kytay, Danube Delta, Ukraine; 4) Lower Danube, Vidin, Bulgaria

Paper category: Original research paper
Corresponding author: Yuriy Kvach (
DOI: 10.1515/ohs-2018-0035
Received: February 24, 2018
Accepted: April 9, 2018
Full text: here

Citation (APA style):


Parasitism of monkey goby, Neogobius fliviatilis, was assessed at three brackish water localities with different salinity levels (Gulf of Odessa, Khadzibey Estuary, Lake Kytay) and one freshwater site along the Lower Danube River (Vidin). A total of 25 parasite taxa were identified, with minimum parasite richness recorded in the Khadzhibey Estuary (three species) and the maximum along the Lower Danube (11 species). Parasite richness in the mesohaline Gulf of Odessa and oligohaline Lake Kytay was lower, but still relatively high compared to the Khadzibey Estuary. Our study indicates that freshwater populations of monkey goby host richer and more abundant parasite communities than those inhabiting brackish waters with (more or less) stable salinity. Unstable abiotic conditions that probably affected the parasite’s intermediate hosts contributed to the reduction in parasite species in the estuarine zone of the Danube.


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