Paper category: Review paper
Corresponding author: Zbigniew Otremba (
DOI: 10.2478/ohs-2019-0018
Received: 18/09/2018
Accepted: 20/11/2018
Full text: here
Citation (APA style): Otremba, Z., Jakubowska, M., Urban-Malinga, B., et al. (2019). Potential effects of electrical energy transmission – the case study from the Polish Marine Areas (southern Baltic Sea). Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies, 48(2), pp. 196-208. Retrieved 3 Oct. 2019, from doi:10.1515/ohs-2019-0018
The operation of offshore wind turbines and electricity transmission through submarine cables over long distances generate electromagnetic or static magnetic fields (depending on the technical solution) that may modify the natural geomagnetic field and cause induced electric and electromagnetic fields in the water. The present study synthesizes the current knowledge and speculates on the possible environmental impact of electrical energy transfer based on the example of the Polish Marine Areas (southern Baltic Sea). We review the possible effects of the electrical energy induction and transfer against the existing and planned wind turbine installations. Furthermore, we consider different cable design variants as a way of environmental impact mitigation. Possible impacts of induced magnetic fields on marine organisms and, consequently, on the ecosystem functioning are also addressed.
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